Healthy Habits for High Performance
Help your team fulfil their potential with simple, effective daily lessons and activities to boost Performance and Health in the workplace and beyond.

The modern workplace damages your Health and Performance
Does your team struggle with the following problems?
Never fully able to switch off, rest and fully recover?
Feeling out of control, constantly stressed, tired and overwhelmed?

Struggling to balance work with health, a personal and social life?

Constantly switching from one task to another, always distracted and interrupted?
Inconsistent, easily bored and lacking energy and motivation?
Inefficient, unproductive and taking ages to complete simple tasks?

You’re always looking to improve and better your team
But they're inconsistent, distracted and overwhelmed
You’re a high performing leader looking to fulfil your team's potential
But they're overworked, unproductive and can never switch off
You value health, happiness and self-development
But don't have the time or resources to make these a priority
Six Weeks
Three Levels
1 Daily Lesson
A user-manual for hacking your brain and body to drive high performance
Managing Stress & Health
Health is the foundation for high performance. Understand the brain-body connection to reduce chronic stress, improve physical health and hack your happy hormones.
Productivity & Attention
Learn the underlying cause behind procrastination and distraction. Optimise your attention, reclaim your time and utilise neuroscience based hacks so you can hyper-focus, find flow and get more done in less time.
Elite Thinking & High Performance Habits
The final phase sets you up with high performance secrets used by the elite to help train your mind, enhance your thinking and optimise your routines so you can Think, Feel and Perform like the top 1%.
Each weekday, you will unlock a new 5 minute video packed with tools, techniques and high performance hacks, ready to use so you can easily integrate them into your life.
The secret to success is action. We want to make sure these lessons are not just listened to, but acted upon. We've set simple tasks, worksheets and behaviours so you can reap the rewards.
We've gamified this experience to make it fun and make it stick. Compete on leaderboards, track your progress and make self-development an addictive game.
Course Breakdown
Think, Feel and Perform at your very best.
Understand how to cope, control and switch off your stress response so you can stay calm, healthy and feel your best.
Your Stress Triggers & Symptoms
Some stress is good, but chronic stress is the silent killer. Identifying your Stress triggers and symptoms is vital in protecting yourself against the negative impacts of stress.
Switching off the Stress Response - Mental Resets
Your Stress Triggers & Symptoms
A big problem with modern work is that we can do it anywhere and never fully switch off, which damages our health, relationships and productivity. Commit to living binary with whatever you do - when you’re on, you’re on - when you’re off, you’re off - no in between!
Building Resilience & Managing Stress
You’ll never get rid of stress in your life, but you can change the meaning and impact it has on you. You may not be able to wipe out stress but you can change your reaction to it so it works for you rather than against you. The state we end up in is entirely down to our perception - which means it’s within our control.
Living more Human - Serotonin
The main ‘happy hormone’ responsible for our mood and happiness levels is Serotonin. Understanding the functions of these happy hormones, knowing when they're low by spotting the symptoms and understanding how we can boost and protect them is key for your mental health.
Optimise your Physical Health and movement, improve your sleep and understand the importance of human connection so you can feel and perform at your best.
Physical Health & Movement
We're chronic sitters. Our movement time has dwindled and our health is the cost. Learn how much you need to exercise and make it fun rather than a chore.
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Around 1/3 of the population live with a MSK disorder. This creates pain, reduces productivity and limits our life. Being proactive and preventative is key for your health and happiness.
Posture isn't what you think it is. Learn the strange history behind posture and a surprising fact that will change the way we sit, work and move.
Sleep & Rest
Sleep is something we all have in common, but most people are sleep deprived and don't wake up feeling refreshed. Learn 14 Neuroscience backed tips to improve your sleep quality - and quantity - so you can sleep like a baby.
Socialising for Oxytocin
The negative effects of Loneliness can't be understated. We're in a loneliness epidemic and it's damaging our physical and mental health. Understanding the role of Oxytocin and how we can boost this happy hormone is key for enhancing our mood, happiness and health.
Overcome procrastination, get more done in less time and find your Flow State so work feels like play.
How to Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination and distraction can feel good and being productive is difficult. Learn the underlying cause behind procrastination and identify your deep work vs busy work so you can avoid being 'Productively Unproductive'.
Time Management Hacks
Productivity isn’t about doing more time, it’s about getting more done in less time.You can’t be productive without managing your time effectively. Learn time management hacks to skyrocket your Productivity.
How to take Effective Breaks
Finding Flow at Work
Motivation, Autonomy & Gamifying Your Life
The most powerful motivators in the world are freedom and fun. Learn how to tap into unlimited Motivation by steering your own ship and make work feel like fun by gamifying your life.
Master Dopamine, learn how to protect your attention and optimise your environment so you can hyper-focus and become indistractable.
Master Dopamine for Hyperfocus & Motivation
If you want to optimise your attention, motivation and focus, you need to understand what Dopamine is and the role that it plays. Learn simple Dopamine boosters and avoid dangerous Dopamine drainers so you can get on a winning streak forever.
Protecting Your Attention
We’re in an attentional crisis. Your attention is precious and limited and it’s about time you started treating it that way! Learn the myth that is Multitasking, the costs of Switching and the concept of Attention Residue which will change the way you treat your Attention.
Optimising Your Environment - Attention Drainers (1)
To give yourself the best possible chance of focussed productivity and avoiding distraction, you need to optimise your environment. Identify your biggest distractions, learn hacks for enhancing your thinking and take tips from the highly optimised airline industry so you can start building your very own Distraction Redlist.
Managing Tech - Attention Drainers (2)
Technology use steals our attention, kills our productivity and even makes us stupid! Reclaim control of the biggest distraction of them all - our tech! Manage your screen time, control your notifications and discover the silent enemy of tech distractions.
Learn how to handle discomfort, overcome setbacks and manage your mind so you can think, feel and perform like the top 1%.
Dealing with Discomfort & Embracing Change
Building Confidence & Avoiding Comparison
Confidence seems to be elusive and comparison rife in today's world. Learn hacks to boost confidence, avoid cognitive biases that drain our confidence and use a simple technique so you can bypass limiting beliefs and take action with confidence.
The secret to success is consistency. The secret to consistency is about building Healthy Habits. The secrets to building Healthy Habits are in this module, so you can boost your health, performance and happiness forever.
Gratitude - Mental Practice (1)
Gratitude makes your brain work better. It’s one of the simplest, yet most effective mental practices that you can do for your health and performance and you might just be surprised by the extent of the benefits it has on all aspects of your life.
Mindfulness - Mental Practice (2)
If I could tell you one thing to do to train your mind to be happier, healthier and higher performing, it would be to practice Mindfulness. Learn how to practice Mindfulness so you can regulate your thoughts, sharpen your focus and boost your happiness.
Systems vs Outcomes
Learn from the world of elite sport how to can detach yourself from results, create more consistency with your behaviours and properly reflect on your processes for maximum self-development.
The High Performance Checklist
Now it's about maintenance and consistency. Here’s some tips on how you can make your new way of operating stick… for good.
Meet The Instructors
Tested on the elite in Sport and Business

Ben Healey
My background is in physiotherapy and occupational health. I’ve worked with elite athletes at the very top of their performance, through to helping those who have been suffering from illness to return to work and back to their very best.
I’ll be taking you through a few sessions around how to optimise your performance by keeping your physical health at its peak, and begin to introduce you to how you can use it to influence your mental performance too.

Jake Brown
I’ve worked with elite performers from the worlds of sport, business and music and am now on a mission to make mental tools more accessible, so you can improve your performance, health and happiness.
I’ll be taking your through psychological tools, techniques and hacks used by some of the best in the world, so you can train your mind and optimise your thinking
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"Thought provoking talk"
"Thought provoking talk"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"Jake was really engaging"
"Jake was really engaging"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
“Outstanding workshop”
“Outstanding workshop”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"Thought provoking talk"
"Thought provoking talk"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"Jake was really engaging"
"Jake was really engaging"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
“Outstanding workshop”
“Outstanding workshop”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"Thought provoking talk"
"Thought provoking talk"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"Jake was really engaging"
"Jake was really engaging"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
“Outstanding workshop”
“Outstanding workshop”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"
"Thought provoking talk"
"Thought provoking talk"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."
"Jake was really engaging"
"Jake was really engaging"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."
“Outstanding workshop”
“Outstanding workshop”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Best workshop I have been to"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"
Ready to supercharge your team?
Get in touch to discuss how this could help your team.
Stress Management
Manage your mind, regain control and prevent burnout.
Reduce overwhelm, cope with change and handle uncertainty.
Sharpen focus, prevent overworking and get more done in less time.
Focus & Clarity
Control distractions, learn how to hyper-focus and find flow at work.
Live More Human
Manage the downsides of desk-work and learn how to switch off.
Physical Health
Reduce pain, increase movement and improve overall health for longevity.
Gamify your life, work like an executive athlete and make work feel like play.
Health & Happiness
Build habits and learn mental practices for long-term health and happiness.